School Nurse
Ms. Kirsten Johmann, BSN, RN, CNS
(609) 538-9800 ext. 2130 or ext. 2125
Mrs. Sharon Ranson RN ext. 2124
Ewing High School Health Office Assistant
Mrs. Lori Logan ext. 2130
General Information
Medications cannot be given in school without written permission of the student’s doctor and parent/guardian. All medication forms can be found under school health office - forms.
Health Status Changes
The school health office is an advocate for your child / student. We are here to assist your student achieve their educational goals. Please communicate any health status changes or injuries so that accommodations can be made if necessary. Please inform the health office of any change in medication or allergy status.
Allergy and Asthma
Please provide the appropriate documentation for allergies and asthma treatment. The forms can be obtained at the school health website - forms. This will assist in providing quick and effective treatment for your child as needed. As with all medications, physician and parent/guardian permission is required. These forms will be necessary for any athletic participation.
Please provide the appropriate documentation for allergies and asthma treatment. The forms can be obtained at the school health website - forms. This will assist in providing quick and effective treatment for your child as needed. As with all medications, physician and parent/guardian permission is required. These forms will be necessary for any athletic participation.
Students are screened as per the N.J. Department of Education guidelines. If you wish your student to be privately screened for scoliosis, please submit written notice. We will be screening for scoliosis on all 9th and 11th grade students.
Physicals exams are required for any athletic participation in high school. The physical must be current (within 365 days )and completed on the N.J. State Pre-Participation form (located at school health office - forms). This form may be accessed through the form link. Additional information specific to athletics is available on the EHS athletic website .
The school health office also conducts physical exams for new students or working papers for those students without a medical home or health insurance. The exams are conducted by Dr. Harold Brown. The exams are by appointment and with written permission from a parent / guardian.
Health / Sports Forms
The Ewing Public Schools continues to strive to keep our schools healthy and safe. As a community, if we all work together, this goal is possible if all stakeholders are mindful and respectful of health safety protocols.
Please remember, do not send your child to school if they are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19, Flu, stomach virus or simply are just not feeling well.
Here are some reminders to keep your child healthy:
- Get adequate sleep. Children in preschool through grade six should get between nine and 11 hours a sleep a night.
- Please continue to emphasize proper hand-washing and hygienic practices to minimize the spread of viruses.
- Teach your child to keep their hands away from their face and to cough or sneeze into their arm or shoulder.
- Exercise daily. Help your child get 60 minutes of exercise a day.
- Reduce screen time.
- Practice healthy eating habits.