Frequently Asked Questions
Q: My Sports Packet has been turned into the School Nurse, now what?
A: The nurse must review all forms, health records and place on the coaches list. This list is shared with the coach and the Athletic Director's office. The packet will be reviewed within 5 business days after being turned into the nurse.
Q: Does my child need a physical?
A: According to our Board policy, all transfer students (any grade) require a physical to be completed by your private physician, upon entry. All athletes require an annual physical.
Q: How long is a physical valid?
A: According to the State, physicals are valid for 365 days (one year from date of actual exam).
Q: Does my child require a new physical for each season?
A: Physicals are valid one year from exam date. Should your child’s physical expire during the season, then your child will become inactive until an updated physical is submitted to the nurse’s office. Once a current physical is on file, you do not need to have your physician complete the form for each season your child participates in.
Q: My doctors’ office is busy right now. I can’t get an appointment until… Can the doctor just write a note? Can’t my child just participate until then?
A: Unfortunately, no. Your physician must complete an annual physical and complete the universal state form in full. This is a mandatory, universal State form. Please make sure that the date of the exam, the physicians’ signature, with stamp is included (must include a vision screen).
Q: My doctor provides us with a computer printout – all the information is on this form. Is this sufficient?
A: The State of New Jersey mandates that the universal forms be utilized. Computer printouts will only be accepted as documentation of immunization records.
Q: Can the Athletic Director, Athletic Trainer or the Coach clear my child for athletics?
A: No. In order to prevent any delay in your child’s athletic participation, all documentation must be submitted to the School Nurse. The School Nurse will in turn review documentation and submit athletic rosters to coaches for each sport.
Q: My child participates in more than one sport during the school year. Can I just include all sports on one form?
A: The State requires that the universal health history/parental permission form be completed, signed and dated, within 90 days of beginning each season. The athletic forms - Permission to Engage, Emergency Card, Acknowledgement Form and Opioid Fact Sheet must be completed for each sport.
Q: What screenings are done by the Certified School Nurse?
A: The State has provided guidelines as to which screenings should target each age group. Screenings will be completed by the Certified School Nurse, unless your child has submitted physician documentation or parental exemption of the recommended screenings. Written referrals will be sent home, as warranted.
Physical Education Excuses
Q: What happens when my child cannot participate in PE?
A: Your child needs to see the School Nurse With MD note– Students with doctor note will be excused from gym / sports as order by the physician, APN or PA. Please note : if your student is excused from physical education, they may not participate in a sport.
The student is permitted one parent excuse per semester. The parent excuse should be given to the school nurse before the PE class.
Q: If my child is returning to PE / athletics after an extended excuse.
A: Please provide to the School Nurse medical documentation allowing your child to return to PE / athletics listing any restrictions and/or special accommodations.
Q: Can the School Nurse sign my child’s’ working papers?
A: The School Nurse can only sign working papers if the student has a current physical on file with the Health Office.