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Attendance Appeals

Attendance Appeals:

In order to qualify for the attendance appeal process, you must be passing the course(s) but losing credit due to excessive absences only. 

  • All appeals must be in writing by a parent/guardian and submitted to the school Vice-Principal within 10 school/work days of the excessive absence limit, giving the date(s) absent and the rationale.


  • Students are required to be in attendance as specified in the annual Board of Education approved calendar.  "Excused Absence" is a pupil's absence from school for a full day or a portion of a day for one of the following reasons:
    • The pupil's illness/absences with an original doctor's note (indicating the student was seen by a doctor), or hospitalization.
    • Family illness or death in the immediate family (length of time to be determined in each individual case).
    • Educational opportunities-activities or situations which are school related; field trips, exchange programs, school explorations (max. 2 days/yr)
    • Excused religious observances, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:36-14 through 16.
    • Where appropriate, when consistent with Individualized Education Programs, the Individuals with Disabilities Act, accommodation plans under 29 U.S.C 794 and 705(20), and individualized health care plans pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:16-2.3.
    • Suspension from school will count as excused.
    • Required attendance at a court appearance (note from probation officer is required).
    • Interviews (max. 2 per semester) with a prospective employer or with an admissions officer of an institution of higher education.
    • Examination for a driver's license (must provide driver's license issued on date of excused absence).
    • Other reasons deemed aceptable by the school administration.


  • All attendance appeal packets MUST contain the following:
    • Written or typed letter or appeal from parent/guardian containing specific date(s) of absences, rationale, and supporting documents.
    • Attendance Appeal Worksheet (see link below for form) must be completed in full.