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ASYSST -- Available School Youth Services Support Team

ASYSST Intake & Consent Form

The ASYSST (Available School Youth Services Support Team) School Based Youth Services Program in partnership with Ewing High School, the Mercer Council, and the NJ Department of Children and Families offers a variety of year-round support, intervention, and recreational services to our students in a warm and professional environment. Our mission is to enrich and enhance the lives of our students by helping to equip them with the tools and skills to accomplish their goals and develop the skills necessary for employment, a trade, or higher education.

Our services, activities, and events are FREE of charge and open to all Ewing High School students and their families. Services are structured with the purpose of youth achieving their goals as well as positive emotional growth. To build trust with the students, members of the ASYSST team will keep information confidential, with some exceptions. 

ASYSST SERVICES: Services include, but are not limited to: Individual counseling, Group counseling, Family Therapy, Primary and Preventive Health, Job Skills Training, Resume Writing, Finding a Job, Referrals to Community Services, Pregnancy Prevention Programs, LGBTQ Services, Tutoring, Recreational Activities, and Summer Camp.


-          Get a pass from your guidance counselor, dean or teacher

-          Get a pass from an ASYSST staff member

WHERE IS ASYSST LOCATED?  ASYSST is located in Room 100

DOES ASYSST EXTEND TO STUDENT’S FAMILIES? Yes. Services are available to students and their parent(s)/guardian(s). Evening hours can be arranged if needed. Additionally, ASYSST can provide help in linking families to helpful community resources.

CONDFIDENTIALITY: Confidentiality is a cornerstone of the services at ASYSST.  Everything you tell us is CONFIDENTIAL and can NOT be disclosed to anyone, even your parent(s)/guardian(s) without your expressed written consent, except for:

          -Life-threatening situations

  1. If you are suicidal or are being abused,
  2. If you are going to harm yourself or others,
  3. If you are actively under the influence of mood-altering substances (high).

If you or someone you care about uses substances, we can help. We provide a safe place to talk it out.

Program Hours – ASYSST is here for you year-round! Weekdays 8-4pm (or by appointment if needed). We also host a summer camp.

Requirements – Yes. All students must fill out a consent form. However, students under the age of 16 must obtain parental consent. Please use the link above to access the Consent Form.