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Eligibility for Membership


Students wishing to participate in extracurricular activities in grades 9-12 must have a C (2.0) grade point average (GPA) based on 25 credits or 5 classes. They must also have passed 27 ½ credits. As indicated in the Ewing High School Conduct & Discipline Handbook, any student who receives a combination of 3 or more In-School Detentions (ISD)/Out-of-School Suspensions (OSS) will be excluded from all athletic and extra-curricular activity privileges for the remainder of this school year.


Please click on the Activities to the left to view current information.





Anime Club: The Anime Club features videos and manga representative of Japanese pop culture. Interested members often bring to the meetings their own media collection to share with the group. We occasionally sponsor video game tournaments as an alternative activity. The Anime Club meets year round on Friday afternoons. Membership is open to anyone.


Art Club: The Art Club meets to work on visual arts projects.  Most projects are community and/or school based; therefore the Art Club is an excellent choice for those students wishing to beautify the school and community. All students are welcome in the Art Club; even those who are not serious artists due to the fact that most work is collaborative and there are jobs for everyone. Art Club is an excellent way to make lasting bonds with students and teachers who share a love of the visual arts. 

Ms. Sarah Zahoroiko 


CheerleadersThe EHS varsity holds try-outs for the fall squad and for the winter squad. Each squad consists of 18-24 girls. Students selected for the teams must agree to practice and game attendance requirements, and must submit physical forms for competition.


Class Officers/Cabinets: Each grade level supports a structure of class officers and class cabinet representatives. Students raise money for the prom and senior class trip and sponsor other activities to foster class spirit and unity.


Coffee for the Soul: Students meet on campus for weekly Bible study, prayer, and sharing. The group seeks to assist the school in developing the whole person: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. The club promotes self-esteem, personal morality, and community service.

Mrs. Jeannine Hutchinson       Every other Tuesday @ 2:45 p.m. in Room 306       


Consumer Bowl: Ewing High has been fortunate enough to be asked by The New Jersey Attorney General's Office to participate in their annual Consumer Bowl.  High schools throughout New Jersey compete in a game-show format at county, regional, and state levels on various consumer topics.  Four 'contestants' and one alternate meet regularly to prepare for the spring competition. Participants are chosen by the advisor.

Ms. Angelina Gummel 


Drama Club:   Drama Club’s main goals are to promote the love of Theater and to be able to experience it in many forms, not only via performance, but also as an audience member.  Drama Club members perform, create, and view dramatic arts.  Meetings involve playing improvisational games and coordinating all of our various activities, such as the Improv Night, Murder Mystery night, fundraisers, and trips to see live theater. 



Environmental Club: The Environmental Club is designed to expand club members’ knowledge and awareness of the environment and current ecological issues affecting our society as well as the rest of the world.

Ms. Cassidy Burns 


Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) 

Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) is a national vocational student association for students in grades 7-12 who are interested in business or business education careers. Benefits of FBLA membership are business proficiencies, community responsibility, leadership skills, and self-confidence.  

 Wednesdays @2:45 in Room 129                   


Key Club: Sponsored by Ewing Kiwanis Club, Key Club is a service organization dedicated to community service. Recent club activities have included blood drives, food, clothing, toy drives, Special Olympics Bowling, volunteer work in local nursing homes and animal shelters.

Mr. Patrick Burley         2nd Tuesday of the month @ 2:45 p.m. in Room 214   


Marching Band/Color Guard: Marching Band is co-curricular with Band. 

The Color Guard is a precision flag ensemble that accompanies the marching band on all trips and performances.  Auditions for this specialized flag unit are held in April.

Mr. Jason Price/Ms. Jessica Bohnenberger     


Master Singers: This is a co-ed choir which performs music from jazz and popular music styles.   It meets one hour per week and performs in both school and community concerts.  It also participates in local, state and national competitions.

Mr. Alexander Minter           Wednesdays@ 3:15 p.m. in VMR                                                                        


Math League: Students meet every other week to practice for the CVC and DV Math League competitions. The competitions are held at least monthly. The students who participate are usually those in the accelerated math classes.


Musical Production: The annual Spring Musical is open to any Ewing High School student who meets the school district’s regular activity participation eligibility requirements. Students interested in participating on stage as performers or backstage in costumes, props, publicity, and many other functions are welcome and encouraged to join us.

Mr. Alexander Minter         

Nov. - March at 2:45 PM         Auditorium    


National Honor Society: A nationally chartered organization, NHS rewards excellence in high school academics, leadership, and integrity. Members are selected during the spring from the junior and senior classes. The organization engages in worthwhile community service activities.

Mrs. Jeannine Hutchinson  

NJFEA - New Jersey Future Educators Association -  is for 9-12 EHS students interested in pursuing a career in Education. Anyone who is thinking about becoming a teacher, counselor, principal, school nurse, or one of the many other professions associated with education are welcome to join. Those enrolled in the Tomorrow's Teachers elective course are automatically members of this group.

Mrs. Danielle Miller        Every other Tuesday @2:40pm in Room 117 

(calendar posted on the bulletin board near 119 and on the NJFEA Canvas page)


Newspaper: The Ewing Voice is the school’s newspaper that has updates on what’s happening around the school. Writing, editing, and planning layouts, as well as typing, proofing and taking photos are the types of jobs required by newspaper staff.

Mrs. Kelly Masterson         Wednesdays @ 2:45 p.m. in Room 112          



Project Unify-Unified Club is a socially inclusive club made up of students with and without disabilities. We participate in a variety of activities including sports, leadership, and volunteer opportunities. In 2017-18 we were Shriver Cup basketball champions. This year we will participate in Unified bowling, track, soccer and basketball. In April, Autism Awareness Month, we sponsor Respect Week, where students from elementary to high school have the chance to participate in unified sports field day activities.  Our motto is “choose to include.” We represent the diversity in our school and our community. Our most important activities are building friendships and having fun!

Mrs. Barbara Dennis-Garcia        Typically every other Monday from 2:45-4 in Room 107 

(calendar posted outside Room 107)        Text 81010 for Remind Account:  @ehsunifi


Robotics Team: Students with a strong interest in math, science, and technology will enjoy this activity, which centers itself around constructing a robotic device for a national competition conducted at The College of New Jersey.          

Mrs. Cindy Hutchinson              Tuesdays @ 6:30 p.m. @NJSD Katzenbach      


Rotary Interact: Affiliated with Rotary International, this is a service organization dedicated to community service. Recent activities have included park clean ups, volunteer work in soup kitchens, and volunteer work with the Special Olympics.

Ms. Victoria Burd    


SAGA - Sexuality and Gender Alliance - is a student-run organization that provides a safe place for students of every sexual orientation.  We discuss the political process and provide support for all members. Meetings are open to all students.

Ms. Jessica Bohnenberger  


Sports Medicine Club: Students interested in medicine in general, and sports medicine in particular, will be attracted to this organization. Students observe and assist the Athletic Trainer with their duties. Members may become certified in American Red Cross Standard First Aid, Community CPR and Professional Life Saving through this program.

Ms. Sarah O'Dell  


Student Council: This is an organization of elected student officers and volunteers tasked with adopting policies and programs for the betterment of the Ewing High School student body. Students will focus on improving the school, fostering a sense of school community, and promoting service to the community.

Mr. Sean Hammer            Tuesday/Wednesdays @ 2:45 p.m. in Room 303     


Students Against Destructive Decisions (S.A.D.D.): A national organization that stresses awareness of the dangers of driving drunk and the harm caused by other drugs. The group is open to all students who want to make a difference.

Ms. Kellie Tonelli  


Yearbook: The student members of the Clepsydra staff organize, lay out and do all of the writing necessary for the production of the school’s annual yearbook. Seniors serve as section editors. Underclassmen serve in various composition positions.

Mrs. Kelly Hammer         Thursdays @ 2:45 pm in MC/428 

Eligibility for Club Membership

Students wishing to participate in extracurricular activities in grades 9-12 must have a C (2.0) grade point average (GPA) based on 25 credits or 5 classes. They must also have passed 27 ½ credits. Students may not participate in activities if they are on the fine list.

Interested in starting a new club or activity?

Students who have ideas for new clubs should see Mrs. Hammer, the Student Activities Coordinator in Room 218.