Unified Club
Unified Club
Is a socially inclusive club made up of students with and without disabilities. We participate in a variety of activities including sports, leadership, and volunteer opportunities. In 2017-18 we were Shriver Cup basketball champions. This year we will participate in Unified bowling, track, soccer and basketball. In April, autism awareness month, we sponsor Respect Week, where students from elementary to high school have the chance to participate in unified sports field day activities. Our mottos is “choose to include.” We represent the diversity in our school and our community. Our most important activities are building friendships and having fun!
Meetings 1st and 3rd Monday of the month from 2:45-4 in Room 107
(calendar posted outside Room 107)
Text 81010 for Remind Account: @ehsunifi
Advisors: Barbara Dennis-Garcia bdennisgarcia@ewingboe.org