Future Educators Association
Advisor: Mrs. Danielle Miller Email: damiller@ewingboe.org ROOM 117
This club is for EHS 9-12 students interested in pursuing a career in Education. Anyone who is thinking about becoming a teacher, counselor, principal, school nurse, or one of the many other professions associated with education may join.
Those enrolled in the Tomorrow's Teachers honors elective course are automatically members of this group.
Click the logo to learn more about NJFEA.
“Recruiting Today’s Students as Tomorrow’s Teachers… Tomorrow’s Leaders.”
The mission of the New Jersey Future Educators Association is to foster the recruitment and development of prospective teachers through the dissemination of innovative programming and relevant research. By elevating the image of teaching, the NJFEA will attract dynamic and diverse students who aspire to become future teachers.
Our Goals
The New Jersey Future Educators Association shall:
• Strive to interest students in the field of education early in their school experience.
• Place a strong emphasis on the recruitment of future educators with diverse ethnic, racial, social, and economic backgrounds.
• Strive to promote excellence in students interested in the teaching profession by promoting academic achievement, developing a positive self-image, and encouraging leadership responsibilities.
• Recruit and encourage today’s students to become teachers in high shortage subject areas (e.g., special education, STEM, and world languages), and in high poverty, hard-to-staff schools.
• Enhance the quality of the school’s educational program by fostering an appreciation for teaching and contributing to the smooth operation of the school.
• Promote a positive image of education to students, parents/guardians, and the community and disseminate information about the teaching profession.
• Encourage members to be positive role models in the school, the organization, and the community.
What are the benefits of affiliating with the NJFEA?
The benefits of membership in the New Jersey Future Education include all of the following, which are available to only NJFEA members and at no additional cost (there is a $10 membership fee per person which will be fund-raised):
No-Cost Attendance at:
• Annual Regional NJFEA Conferences
Free Resources, including:
• Bimonthly Official Newsletter of the NJFEA, “The Smartboard”
• NJFEA Chapter Advisor Handbook
• Videos, Interactive On-Line Activities, & Programs from Educators Rising, our National NJFEA affiliate
Eligibility for:
• NJFEA Achievement Award Recognition
• NJFEA Chapter Incentive Grants and Scholarships
• Recognition by the New Jersey Education Association (NJEA)
• Service as NJFEA State Officers (including Special Leadership Training for State & Chapter Officers)
• Service on the NJFEA Advisory Board (for Chapter Advisors and NJFEA State Officers)
Opportunities to:
• Network Statewide with other NJFEA Chapters and Individual Members
• Participate in Future Teacher Leadership Training
• Participate in Urban-Suburban Student High School Exchanges
• Participate in Statewide Service Projects
• Receive Advanced Notification & Application Packages for Urban Teacher Academies