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Art Club

Welcome to the Ewing High School Art Club!

 Thank you for your interest in being part of the arts community here at the High School. The Art Club is a place for practicing artists to hone in on their skills, develop their techniques and portfolios, collaborate with other artists like themselves, create bonds with the community through the arts, and learn how to work together through group projects that will beautify the school and community. We look forward to your participation and consistency in the Art Club this year!
                     Art Club meets every Thursday from 2:45pm to 4:00pm @ Room 140 Ewing High School.    
Advisor:  Lauren Weber   


Images Around Art Club

Tree Lighting

Art club members team up with basketball athletes and other student volunteers to face paint  during the Ewing tree lighting ceremony

tree lighting

Practicing Face Painting to Fundraise 


leee annnne

Face Painting at Tyler State Park's "Craft in the Meadows" Event in October 


TCNJ Community Fest-September,29

Art club members came from 10 am and stayed until  4 pm to raise money for the club through face painting.  




Major Projects


Municipal Building Mural

This project is currently on display in the Municipal Building of Ewing Township. The Patriotic Committee of Ewing Township came in and spoke with the EHS Art Club students to brainstorm mural ideas relating to Ewing Township.  There was a lot of hard work, planning, and effort put into this piece. Check out the progress from sketch phase to final product and the news article that was written in the Ewing Observer. 








Finished Sketch on Canvas




Ewing's Mural

This mural represents Ewing as whole, depicting our past, present and hopeful future for this town. This project is on display on the second floor of the Ewing Municipal building.  Students have spent many hours brainstorming, constucting,and producing the historical mural.


Close up of mural




Click on this link for the full press release about the project:


Trip to Phildelphia's Museum of Art  

Last year, the art club raised enough money to bring their members, and other art students to the Phlidelphia's Museum of Art.  There, we discussed the history of the art we gazed upon, and students enjoyed the multi-cultural displays from different eras; ranging from ancient east Asian sculptures and bathhouses, to modern english cartoon galleries.

Students waiting at entrance