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Using School Computers

Using School Computers


Usernames and Passwords

Computers in the Ewing Public School District require users to log in using individual log-in information.  Students are assigned their individual usernames and passwords by the technology department. Student usernames consist of the student's ID number (ex: 20139346).  Student passwords are computer generated at random and assigned to students.  The Media Center and teaching staff have the ability to access student log in information; if students need their information, they may come to the Media Center or ask their teacher to access the information through Genesis.  IF students can not log-in to the computer due to a problem with their account, they should report it to their teacher or the Media Center so that a ticket can be created and the problem remedied.


Logging in and out

By logging into the school computers, students have access to their personal folder (G: drive) and to Internet access.  Students should familiarize themselves with the district’s Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), which outlines the rules for using the school’s computers; failure to comply with the district’s AUP may result in a loss of computer privileges.  Students should not share their log-in information with other students, and they should be careful to log off the computer they are using when finished to ensure that no one else has access to their account. 


Saving in the Personal Folder

Every student at the high school should have access to a personal folder also known as their G drive.  This folder is the only space that students can save to that will allow their information to be saved and to be viewed when they log into other computers in the district/building.  Students should be aware that if they save their work to the desktop or My Documents, the work will be lost when the computer is shut down.  The computer anti-virus program that runs at night wipes the computer clean of all information that is not saved to the G: drive.


Students should be aware that while no other students or staff can access the information saved in their Personal Folder, the school computers are owned by the school district and the Supreme Court has upheld the rights of school districts to look at the documents that individuals have saved on their networks if it is deemed necessary.  Students should never store anything in their personal folder that they would be unwilling to make public if they had to.


Saving in Other Places

Students can utilize Google Apps through the district's Google domain.  The student username for our district Google domain is the ID number (EX:  Student passwords for the Google domain are the same as their password to log into the school computers.  Students can use Google Drive to store their work and to share their work with their teachers/classmates. 


Students are encouraged to have a flash drive to save their work and to transfer work from school to home.  


Library Printers

There are two black-ink only printers available for student use in the library.  One is located in the small computer lab (Rm 429) and one is located by the Circulation Desk at the front of the library.  Students should ask for assistance if they are having trouble printing.  Sending work to the printer repeatedly when it is not printing will only jam the print server; students should seek help when this happens to avoid wasting time and paper.  Students are encouraged to use Print Preview and determine the length of a document that they would like to print to ensure it is not excessively long.  To avoid wasting paper, students should use discretion when printing longer documents.


Computer Priorities

The computers in the library are here primarily for student research both individually and with classes.  Classes are given first priority over lunch students and students working individually from classes.  Students may use the computers for personal use before and after school and at lunch; however, if a class needs to use the computers, students from lunch or other areas may be asked to log off the computer.


Students should be aware that every computer in a computer lab and in the library at the high school can be monitored from the teacher station and through the technology department.  Loss of computer privileges may occur for breaches of acceptable use, including but not limited to game playing and the use of proxies to bypass the network firewalls to surf social networking sites.  Students should exercise good judgment and remember that school computers are for school appropriate use.