FAQs College Courses
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Will my grades transfer and carry the same weight as the EHS grades?
A.Colleges/universities typically assign letters grades, while EHS assigns numerical grades. Once EHS receives your official transcript from the college/university from which the student took their college course, their grade will be converted to fit EHS’s grading system. Students will receive Advanced Placement (AP) weighting at EHS for their college course. Please see the EHS 2020-2021 Course Catalog for details on grading conversions under Special Senior Programs.
Q. How much does it cost to enroll?
A. College courses for seniors cost $150 per course, plus any textbooks that might be required. The EHS Sponsored college course is free, but students are responsible for any textbooks that might be required.
Q. How many courses am I allowed to enroll in ?
A. Seniors are allowed to enroll in 4 college courses (2 per semester), as long as their schedule allows.
Q. Do I have to leave school to attend ?
A. Seniors who are enrolled to take a college course are allowed to leave the school building during the block their college course is scheduled. If a senior student is taking an online college course (MCCC only), they can elect to stay at school to work on their course in the Media Center if they wish. Students taking an on campus college course, must attend the class in-person in order to receive credit.
**For students in the EHS sponsored college course, these students must remain in the school building. They cannot leave school grounds.
Q. How do I find out what classes are being offered (senior only classes) ?
A. In order to view classes, students will need to visit each college/university’s course listing. They can be found on their websites. Students should take 100 or 101 level courses for which they meet the prerequisites. Please see below for the links to course listing:
MCCC - https://mercer-ss.colleague.elluciancloud.com/Student/courses
Rider - https://comm.rider.edu/registrar/main.php?term=202110
**For students taking the EHS college course (junior and senior), you must pick from the four courses being offered.
Q. Will the college course transfer to any college after I graduate high school ?
A. All colleges/universities are different in regards to accepting transferring credits. It is recommended that students reach out to the college/university they are attending to see if the credits they received from college courses they took in high school will transfer.
Q. Where/When will the College Courses take place?
A. For seniors taking college courses, seniors can elect to take college courses during semester 1 and/or semester 2. Registering for a college course during semester 1 will take place in May/June of the preceding spring semester. Semester 1 college courses run from August/September until December. Registering for a college course during semester 2 will take place in November. Semester 2 college courses run from January until May.
Seniors with a 3.5 GPA or higher can take classes at TCNJ (on campus only), Rider (on campus only), or MCCC (on campus classes or online classes). Seniors with a 3.0 GPA or higher can take classes at MCCC (on campus classes or online classes).
For the EHS sponsored college course, registration will take place in November, since it is a semester 2 college course. Semester 2 college courses run from January until May.
The course will take place online through MCCC. Students will take this class as a part of their semester 2 courses at EHS.
Q. What is the difference between the EHS college course and the senior college courses?
A. EHS College course is by invitation only and is for juniors and seniors. There is no cost, other than any textbook the course might require. Students must stay at EHS for this class. Students can select their course from limited course options. This course is done online through MCCC.
Senior college courses are for seniors only. Each course will cost $150, plus any textbooks you might need. Students are allowed to leave EHS during the block their college course is scheduled. Students can take any 100 or 101 level courses for which they meet the prerequisites. Seniors with a 3.5 GPA or higher can take classes at TCNJ (on campus only), Rider (on campus only), or MCCC (on campus classes or online classes). Seniors with a 3.0 GPA or higher can take classes at MCCC (on campus classes or online classes).
Q. Will my classes be virtual or in-person?
A. Currently, for seniors wanting to take TCNJ or Rider classes, you can only take on campus classes. For seniors wanting to take MCCC classes, you can pick to take an online or on campus class. However, due to the current COVID-19 climate, this is subject to change.
**For students taking the EHS college course, it will be an online course through MCCC.